We're working on something new for you..

We're excited to share with you our new website! As we put the final touches on the new website, please schedule your appointments below :)

Frequently Asked Questions

Think about it as an investment, not a cost!

With any cosmetic tattoo procedure you will save not only money, but your time as well.

Does age effect my services ?

CLIENTS MUST BE 18+, beyond that age there are no restrictions, however, clients with more mature skin consultations are recommended to decide which service is best for you.

Does microblading hurt?

A numbing agent is used prior to beginning any work. Most clients are comfortable the entire procedure and often report back that the pain is almost nonexistent.

I'm interested in microblading, but am nervous and not ready for the commitment.

Come and try a Henna Brow or a Brow Lamination. Henna brow mimics a powdered makeup look while enhancing your shape. Brow lamination manipulates the hairs to set in a position to create fuller brows. Either option is a great stepping stone to come in and chat about microblading etc, without the commitment, so you can ease into the procedure as comfortably as possible and at your own pace.

Does lip blush hurt?

A numbing agent is used prior to beginning a lip tattoo and can be reapplied throughout the procedure to maximize comfortability. Like all forms of tattooing, some discomfort is to be expected, however we do our best to make you comfortable with the whole procedure.

Will my eye brows look natural?

At Sarah Irene Cosmetics we take pride in specializing in extremely natural brows. We also believe in the “baby step” approach for clients who may not be adapted to filling their brows in regularly, in doing so we create a natural shape, filled with wispy realistic strokes. By starting some clients off with a softer micro blade it allows them to adapt to the changes and 9 times out of 10 when clients come back for their touch up they request fuller brows. Your comfort is taken into consideration every step along the way.

Still have questions?

Send us a email ! We're happy to anwser any questions you have!